Use Cases

Instruction Models

A model trained for text generation can be later adapted to follow instructions. One of the most used open-source models for instruction is OpenAssistant, which you can try at Hugging Chat.

Code Generation

A Text Generation model, also known as a causal language model, can be trained on code from scratch to help the programmers in their repetitive coding tasks. One of the most popular open-source models for code generation is StarCoder, which can generate code in 80+ languages. You can try it here.

Stories Generation

A story generation model can receive an input like "Once upon a time" and proceed to create a story-like text based on those first words. You can try this application which contains a model trained on story generation, by MosaicML.

If your generative model training data is different than your use case, you can train a causal language model from scratch. Learn how to do it in the free transformers course!